Why are physiotherapists incorporating the principle of Pilates in their practice? Because Pilates utilises the fundamental principle of good core stability as the basis for good mobility and it also emphasises postural alignment, body awareness, co-ordination, breathing and stamina. Today, Pilates exercises have been simplified and broken into stages and have become a major tool used by physiotherapists to treat shoulder, spine and hip injuries as well as whiplash, spina bifida, stroke and even post surgical patients, especially after spinal procedures. Athletes, dancers and actors flocked to the studio to reap the benefits of this new form of complex but highly effective exercise. He then immigrated to the United States and opened his first studio in New York. Pilates used a system of springs and straps attached to his patients’ beds. His goal was to enable his patients to improve strength and movement. This form of non-impact exercise was designed by Joseph Pilates, a German nurse working in England in the 1920s. In recent times Pilates has gained a lot of ground among fitness gurus and those anxious to lose weight. A program designed to increase core muscle strength will help minimize and prevent lower back injury from most physical exercises, it very well will reduce or eliminate the existing spinal pain too! In life, as in all sports, strong core muscles are essential. The core of all spinal problems is in the core musculature (pun intended), and Pilates is one brilliant approach for dealing with that! In the essence, Pilates is a CORE WORKOUT, and all the spinal dysfunctions (except for the traumatic accidents) are the result of some sort of weakness or imbalance in the core muscles (diaphragm, pelvic floor, abdominal and lower back musculature, and hip flexors and extensors). It addresses spinal mobility, stability, nourishment, flexibility, balance, coordination and strength. The core exercises of Pilates may be the most straight forward and effective methods for the direct spinal health restoration.

In our Drogheda clinic we practice Pilates techniques with nearly every back pain client and over the years have seen how Pilates routines have helped hundreds of our clients with their various lower back conditions like fibrositis, fibromyalgia, slipped or herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, arthritis of the lower back, facet joint arthropathy, rheumatism, lumbago, and their variations. Pilates is nearly a hundred years old, and so far has proven to be a powerful tool in different kinds of spinal rehabilitation programmes – from strengthening exercise for the lower back to sciatic nerve release.